St. John Baptist Church - Tuscaloosa, AL

St. John Baptist Church - Tuscaloosa, AL


Sunday School 

Bro. Willie L. Walton, Jr, Sunday School Superintendent

Bro. Willie L. Walton, Jr, Sunday School Superintendent

St. John Baptist Church

Sunday School

9:15am - 9:45am 


Mission Statement

   The purpose of the Sunday School is to present a positive experience to the converts that will enhance their atonement with the faith and their knowledge of the life of Jesus Christ. Our purpose is also to express the importance of His birth, life, death and resurrection and the establishing of a confident King and His plan of salvation for our lives all while utilizing sound doctrine.

Our classes assembled youth and adult study doctrine

  Our Father in Heaven

      Examining our Father’s death, burial and resurrection on the third day after being betrayed three times by Peter. Our Father in His infinant wisdom and knowledge knew of this before it happened. Jesus died on the Cross at Calvary for our sins that we might be free. After three days, He rose with all of the power of Heaven and Earth in His hands.

 Our Father’s plan of salvation for us is our protection 

    God’s word tells us to love one another as He has love us. This Agape love that He has for us is a major element in the preservation of humanity. His forgiving spirit is a prime example of how this love works. Within our growth into maturity in this faith, we must realize that love is the key to the peace of all things. We must understand that God is love, and we must strive to be more Christlike. During our trials, in the right state of mind we shall receive a blessing.

Acknowledging our Father’s Infinite Wisdom

    God with His Omnipotent powers is everywhere at all times. Know that Christ is Lord, trust in Him, tell what you have found. His gifts are eternal. We should know that as people of faith. We must continue to study our bibles and know and believe that God is able.                


Our Father in Heaven blesses us in

    Jesus overcame the world. Christians are projected at their best after arriving at  conversion as an empty vessels and are filled with the Holy Spirit, you must be born again. Some people go through life and learn of Christ and His Guide On Deliverance to peace, some don’t and live their lives in chaos and darkness. Jesus and his forgiving grace is the key to humanities blessings because He is the light of the world.

Living life with the love of Christ

    We as Christians should never let anything separate us from the love of Jesus. We should always acknowledge the difference between God’s plan (Eternal) and man’s plan (Temperamental). We must acknowledge the fact that Jesus is not the author of confusion. 

    We are needing to come together to establish a common ground and set our foundations to the high order of discipleship where we can build up God’s Kingdom by following His plan of salvation for humanity. Give God all of the praise that He deserve in all situations. Grace be unto thee that love eye the Lord!!!

Sunday School Superintendents

Sunday School Superintendents

Sunday School Teachers

Sunday School Teachers